VMware SRM Recompute Device Groups Occurence


VMware vCenter 6.0 Update 1b
SRM 6.1
NetApp SRA 2.1P1


We have upgraded DR vCenter Server to 6.0 U1b and DR SRM Server to 6.1. After upgrading and configuring SRM we observed that Production vCenter keeps generating Re-compute Device Groups tasks every 30 seconds


The re-computes are triggered by the SRA. Under normal circumstances Datastore Group computation is triggered by the following events:
  • Existing VM is deleted or unregistered
  • VM is storage vmotioned to a different datastore
  • New disk is attached to VM on a datastore previously not used by the VM
  • New datastore is created
  • Existing datastore is expanded

In our case none of this was happening, there are APD for other datastores in PROD vCenter however it is not included in the SRM Configuration. SRM is configured with single datastore in Array Managers Volume include list
I am wondering if anyone else has come across similar issue like this

16 thoughts on “VMware SRM Recompute Device Groups Occurence

  1. Apologies for late response. I have actually moved to a different Project hence I was not sure what is the current status. I spoke with our internal contact. He said our case is still open with VMware. They have asked additional logs from Production and our Customer has gone unresponsive. Looks like this seems to be pretty common issue. Please share the resolution once you have it from VMware

  2. On protected site verify whether you have any \”unknownXX\” VM in the inventory, this will cause the issue, once removed that should fix the issue in SRM.

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