Month: June 2012



Just wanted to share couple of 1 liners related to Snapshots listing and deletion List all the Snapshots————————————– Get-VM | Get-Snapshot Delete all the Snapshots—————————————— $snapshot = Get-VM | Get-SnapshotRemove-Snapshot -Snapshot $snapshot -RemoveChildren -Confirm:$False


FREE – VMware Compliance Checker Tools for vSphere

VMware Compliance Checker for vSphere is a free, downloadable product for checking compliance of vSphere environment to help you ensure that it remains secure and compliant. It provides detailed compliance checks against the VMware vSphere Hardening Guidelines. For example, you can print the reports that Compliance Checker produces, and can…Continue readingFREE – VMware Compliance Checker Tools for vSphere


Latest fling from VMware Labs – VMware ThinApp Factory

VMware Labs presents its latest fling ThinApp Factory . The ThinApp Factory is a virtual appliance that brings centralized administration and automation to the process of creating virtualized Windows applications with VMware ThinApp technology. ThinApp Factory utilizes vSphere API\’s to spawn workloads which automatically convert fileshares of application installers into…Continue readingLatest fling from VMware Labs – VMware ThinApp Factory