VMware Tanzu Platform 10 Installation Guide


Last month Tanzu Division of Broadcom announced GA of Tanzu Platform 10. In this blog, I will walk through following

  • Architecture Diagram
  • Installation requirements for Tanzu Platform 10
  • Deploy TKGs Cluster
  • Deploy required components & packages.
  • Prepare TKGs Cluster for Tanzu Platform 10 installation
  • Prepare Bootstap Machine required for installing Tanzu Platform 10
  • Download Install Bundle
  • Deploy Tanzu Platform 10

What is VMware Tanzu Platform 10

VMware Tanzu Platform 10 a.ka. Tanzu Platform Self-Managed for Kubernetes (TPK8s SM) is the Kubernetes runtime for the Tanzu Platform, exposed by the Tanzu Platform UI and the Tanzu CLI. It helps platform engineers to build conformant and replicable Kubernetes environments, and DevOps engineers to push applications into production, both in the Tanzu Platform UI and with the Tanzu CLI.

Architecture Diagram

Planning your TPK8s SM deployment

The first step is to plan your deployment depending on your requirements. You will need to select the Installation flavor & profile 

Installation Flavor

The installation flavor defines which services and capabilities are available during deployment. This allows you to tailor the installation to your needs. For this release, the following flavors are available:

Flavor Description
Essentials This flavor installs Tanzu Platform, including features to support VMware Cloud Foundation inventory, Tanzu Platform for Cloud Foundry multi-foundation view, Tanzu Spring, and Tanzu Salt.
Full This flavor installs the Tanzu Platform with the essential features and enables features to support Kubernetes operations, Spaces, and build services. This is the default mode for installation.

Installation Profile

Your installation profile defines the resources required to deploy Tanzu Platform Self-Managed, which is correlated to how many resources you will be managing. It is possible to change your profile later if you need to expand your deployment. Select a profile that meets your current requirements and change profiles later as your requirements change.




The evaluation profile has a minimal resource footprint, and can be used for demonstration and evaluation. It is not supported for production use. This profile allows you to create 2 projects with up to 10 application instances, and manage up to 20 Kubernetes clusters.


The foundation profile is a minimal production deployment, and intended for small environments or for customers who wish to gradually adopt Tanzu Platform and expand as needed. This profile allows you to create 4 projects with thousands of application instances, and manage up to 100 clusters.


The regular profile corresponds to most customer environments. Most deployments use this profile because it provides a good balance between supported resources and hardware requirements. This profile allows you to create 6 projects with thousands of application instances, and manage up to 500 clusters.

Enterprise The enterprise profile is suitable for customers who require support for thousands of applications and resources. Select this profile initially only if you expect to support more resources than the regular profile. This profile allows you to create 6 projects with thousands of application instances, and manage up to 1000 clusters.


Resource Requirements

The resource requirements may vary depending on what Installation Profile you select as mentioned in the below table


Resource Requirements


Control plane
Nodes: 3
vCPUs per node: 4
Memory per node: 16GB
Storage per node: 20GB

Nodes: 3
vCPUs per node: 8
Memory per node: 32 GB
Storage per node: 40 GB


Control plane
Nodes: 3
vCPUs per node: 4
Memory per node: 16GB
Storage per node: 20GB
Nodes: 9
vCPUs per node: 8
Memory per node: 32 GB
Storage per node: 40 GB


Control plane
Nodes: 3
vCPUs per node: 4
Memory per node: 16GB
Storage per node: 20GB
Nodes: 10
vCPUs per node: 12
Memory per node: 48 GB
Storage per node: 40 GB


Control plane
Nodes: 3
vCPUs per node: 4
Memory per node: 16GB
Storage per node: 20GB
Nodes: 11
vCPUs per node: 16
Memory per node: 64 GB
Storage per node: 40 GB


vSphere IaaS control plane (formerly known as vSphere with Tanzu)

Supported TKR versions

My Lab Environment

TKr 1.27.11 for vSphere 8.x

TKr 1.28.8 for vSphere 8.x

TKr v1.29.4 for vSphere 8.x

TKr v1.29.4 for vSphere 8.x

For more details on the components included you can refer official doc for Tanzu Kubernetes releases


Ingress FQDN

FQDN for TPK8s SM Ingress which is resolvable from the Bootstrap machine that will be used to perform installation.

Linux Bootstrap Machine

You will need a Linux VM with the following

  • 100 GB of minimum Storage.
  • Access to the Internet to download the installer from the Broadcom Support Portal
  • Access to Private Container Registry (Harbor in my lab)
  • Access to the Kubernetes Cluster where TPK8 SM will be installed

Note – In my lab, I have a  VM with 4 vCPU, 8 GB RAM with 150 GB HDD

Port Requirements


Destination Port / Service Purpose
Bootstrap Machine Broadcom Support Portal

443 (HTTPs)

To download the TPK8s bundle
Bootstrap Machine TKGs K8s Control Plane Cluster 6443 (HTTPs) To install TPK8s  SM control plane
Bootstrap Machine ghcr.io/aquasecurity/trivy-db 443 (HTTPs) To download the trivy db for vulnerability scanning

Bootstrap Machine


443 (HTTPs) To access console UI to access Tanzu Platform SM
Bootstrap Machine Private Container Registry 443 (HTTPs) To pull images, tmc extensions, trivy database , tanzu cli plugins
TKGs K8s Control Plane Cluster Nodes LDAPs Server 636 (TCP) LDAP authentication to Ldap Server (If Applicable)

TKGs K8s Control Plane Cluster Nodes

Okta 443 (HTTPs) OIDC authentication to Okta endpoint (If Applicable)
TKGs K8s Control Plane Cluster Nodes Private Container Registry 443 (HTTPs) To pull images, tmc extensions, trivy database

Private Container Registry

You will need to have an OCI-compatible private container registry such as Harbor. This will be required to host the  following

  • Base deployment Package Images
  • Collector Images
  • TMC extensions
  • Tanzu CLI Plugins
  • Trivy Database for Vulnerability Scanning

Installation Workflow

Following is the high-level installation workflow

Deploy Harbor

We will install a harbor image registry but this is optional if you already have one

Step 1 – Download Required YAML Files

Download the following YAML files for Contour and Harbor from https://vsphere-tmm.github.io/Supervisor-Services/

Contour files

  • The Contour service definition file: contour.yml
  • The Contour service configuration file: contour-data-values.yml

Harbor files

  • The Harbor service definition file: harbor.yml
  • The Harbor service configuration file: harbor-data-values.yml

Step 2 – Install Contour and Harbor Service in the Supervisor

Navigate to the Services Tab in Workload Management in vSphere

Add New Service for Contour and Harbor

Step 3 – Install Contour Service

Step 4 – Install Harbor Service

For more details please refer to this YouTube Video https://youtu.be/4LYi3U35tOk

Deploy TKGs Cluster with Harbor Integration

To integrate a private registry (harbor) with a TKGS cluster, you configure the cluster with one or more self-signed CA certificates to serve harbor content over HTTPS

In my lab, I have used v1alpha3 API


Step 1 – Download the certificate

sudo wget -O . https://$HARBOR_REGISTRY/api/v2.0/systeminfo/getcert –no-check-certificate

Step 2 – base64-encode the contents of the certificate

cat ca.crt | base64

Step 3 – Create Namespace for the TKGs Cluster

Insert Create Namespace pic

Step 4 – Create Custom VM Class with 8 vCPU and 32 GB RAM

Insert Create VM Class pic

Step 5 – Save & Update following yaml


Step 6 – Apply to the TKGs Supervisor

kubectl apply -f <PATH_TO_YAML_IN_STEP5>

Step 7 – Extract Kubeconfig

kubectl -n ns01-tpk8sm get secret tkc01-tpk8sm-kubeconfig -o jsonpath='{.data.value}’ | base64 -d > ~/Downloads/tkc01-tpk8sm-kubeconfig.yaml

Step 8 – Verify access to the K8s clusters

export KUBECONFIG=~/Downloads/tkc01-tpk8sm-kubeconfig.yaml
kubectl cluster-info

For more details, you can refer to the official doc

Prepare TKGs Cluster

Deploy Certificate Manager

Step 1 – Create Namespace

Create Namespace for certificate manager

kubectl apply -f- << EOF
apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
     name: cert-manager
         pod-security.kubernetes.io/enforce: privileged

Step 2 – Download cert-manager extensions

imgpkg copy -b “extensions.stacks.whitesand.tmc.tanzu.broadcom.com/packages/standard/repo:v2024.8.2” –to-tar ~/Downloads/certificate-extensions.tar

Step 3 – Push cert-manager extensions to the private container registry (harbor)

Pre-req – Docker login to private harbor registry.

imgpkg copy –tar ~/Downloads/certificate-extensions.tar –to-repo $HARBOR_REGISTRY:443/hubsm/498533941640.dkr.ecr.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/packages/standard/repo –registry-ca-cert-path ~/Downloads/ca.crt –registry-username admin –registry-password <PWD>

Step 4 – Add package repository in cert-manager namespace

Add package repository in the cert-manager namespace.

kctrl package repository add –repository tanzu-standard –namespace cert-manager –url “$HARBOR_REGISTRY:443/hubsm/498533941640.dkr.ecr.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/packages/standard/repo:v2024.8.2”

Step 5 – Install cert-manager in the cert-manager namespace

kctrl package install -i cert-manager -p cert-manager.tanzu.vmware.com –version 1.10.2+vmware.1-tkg.1 -n cert-manager

Step 6 – Verify cert-manager installation

kubectl get pod -n cert-manager

Deploy Openldap with SSL

If you are using Okta or Microsoft AD for ldap then you can skip this step

Step 1 – Create Namespace

kubectl apply -f- << EOF
apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
     name: ldap
         pod-security.kubernetes.io/enforce: privileged

Step 2 – Generate certificates for OpenLDAP

Generate certificates for OpenLDAP

openssl genrsa 2048 > ca-key.pem

openssl req -new -x509 -nodes -days 365000 -key ca-key.pem -out ca-cert.pem

openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -days 365000 -keyout openldap-key.pem -out openldap-req.pem

openssl x509 -req -days 365000 -set_serial 01 -in openldap-req.pem -out openldap-cert.pem -CA ca-cert.pem -CAkey ca-key.pem

Step 3 – Create OpenLDAP certificate config map

Create a config map from the certs

kubectl create configmap openldap-crt –from-file=/path-to-open-ldap-certs/open-ldap-certs/openldap-cert.pem –from-file=/path-to-open-ldap-certs/openldap-key.pem –from-file=/path-to-open-ldap-certs/ca-cert.pem -n ldap

Step 4 – Create OpenLDAP app config map

Download the seed.ldif & Create config map from the app config.

kubectl create configmap app-config –from-file=seed.ldif -n ldap

Step 5 – Create OpenLDAP app config map

Download the ldap-k8s.yaml & deploy openldap

kubectl apply -f ldap-k8s.yaml -n ldap

Create Storage Class

Sample Procedure to create it for Postgres. You will need to do it for the following components

  • Postgres
  • OpenSearch
  • Kafka
  • zookeeper
  • Redis
  • Prometheus
  • Prometheus-tmc (to be deprecated)
  • Seaweedfs
  • Clickhouse

For more details, you can refer to the documentation


sc_name = “postgresql-storage-class”
kubectl apply -f- << EOF
apiVersion: storage.k8s.io/v1
kind: StorageClass
    isSyncedFromSupervisor: “false”
  name: $sc_name
  svStorageClass: $default_sc_name
provisioner: csi.vsphere.vmware.com
reclaimPolicy: Retain
allowVolumeExpansion: true
volumeBindingMode: Immediate


Prepare Bootstrap Machine

Step 1 – Install Docker Engine on Jumpbox

sudo apt-get install docker-ce docker-ce-cli containerd.io docker-buildx-plugin docker-compose-plugin

Step 2 – Add Harbor Self Signed Certificate to Docker Client on Jumpbox

Add the certificate to docker config

export DOCKER_REGISTRY=xxx.com
# create a folder named like your registry
sudo mkdir -p /etc/docker/certs.d/$DOCKER_REGISTRY
# download the certificate
sudo wget -O /etc/docker/certs.d/$DOCKER_REGISTRY/ca.crt https://$DOCKER_REGISTRY/api/v2.0/systeminfo/getcert –no-check-certificate
# restart docker daemon
systemctl restart docker
# login
docker login $DOCKER_REGISTRY

Step 3 & 4 are only applicable if you created TKGs without harbor integration as mentioned above.

Step 3 – Add Harbor Self Signed Certificate to TKGs Cluster

Base64 encode the certificate

Update the same in the TKC cluster config under the settings

    serviceDomain: cluster.local
      – name: Harbor-Self-Signed-Certificate

Step 4 – Add Harbor Self-Signed Certificate to Kapp Controller

We need to add a harbor self-signed certificate to Kapp controller so it can pull in package repositories/package installs from Harbor.

Create Secret

First we need to create a secret for the Kapp Controller with a Harbor Registry Self-Signed Certificate

kubectl -n tkg-system create -f – <<EOF

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: kapp-controller-config
  namespace: tkg-system
  caCerts: |
  httpProxy: “”
  httpsProxy: “”
  noProxy: “”
  dangerousSkipTLSVerify: “”

Delete the kapp controller pod

kubectl -n tkg-system delete po kapp-controller-xxxx

Verify kapp controller pods is running

kubectl -n tkg-system get pods

Step 5 – Download and Push Trivy DB to Harbor Container Registry

oras pull ghcr.io/aquasecurity/trivy-db:2
oras push –export-manifest manifest.json  $HARBOR_REGISTRY/aquasecurity/trivy-db:2 db.tar.gz

Download Installer Bundle


Step 1 – Login to https://support.broadcom.com/

Step 2 – Navigate to Tanzu Platform Self-Managed 10.0.0



Step 1 – Generate Token


Step 2 – Install om cli


Step 3 – Download the bundle using

om download-product -p tanzu-platform-k8s -o /tmp –file-glob ‘*10.0.0.tar.gz’ –product-version 10.0.0 –pivnet-api-token xxxxxxxx

Extract the Install Bundle

Step 1 – Create new directory for the build

mkdir ./tanzu-installer

Step 2- Extract the installer

tar -xzvf <INSTALLER-FILENAME>.tar.gz ./tanzu-installer

Step 3 – Verify files 

ls -l ./tanzu-installer

The installer comes with the following tools which will be installed during the installation

  • kapp
  • imgpkg
  • crashd
  • tanzu cli
  • kctrl
  • kbld
  • velero
  • kubectl

Prepare YAML file

The user needs to modify the following details in config.yaml

Step 1 – Provide Ingress details
The recommendation is to provide FQDN and static IP from the Loadbalancer Pool.

loadBalancerIP: “Static_IP”
host: “Sample_Value_.com”

The installer will generate a self-signed certificate if no values are provided.

Step 2 – Update Trivydb repository on Harbor Private Registry
Location of the Trivy database as mentioned above

allowInsecureConnections: true

Step 3 – Specify Identity Provider Settings
In our environment, I have used Open LDAP hence I have provided the following details

url: ‘ldaps://openldap.ldap.svc.cluster.local:636/’
certificate: “<open-ldap-certs/ca-cert.pem in previous section>”
userDN: ‘cn=admin,dc=tpksm,dc=local’
password: ‘password’
baseDN: ‘dc=tpksm,dc=local’
searchFilter: ‘cn={0}’
mailAttribute: mail
baseDN: ‘dc=tpksm,dc=local’
searchFilter: member={0}
searchDepth: 10

Step 4 – Specify custom registry certificate for private container registry (Optional if not using self-signed certificate)
Specify custom registry certificate for private container registry (Optional if not using self-signed certificate). Refer previous section if you don’t have it handy.

Please ensure it is in \n format.

CustomRegistryCertificate: “—–BEGIN CERTIFICATE—–\nMIIDzjCCAragAwIBAgIUTz/cXsbsIo3psUN8Elayjwh/ROEwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEL\n”

Step 5 – Specify the password for the default user (Optional if you want the installer to auto-generate)

#Tanzu Platform Admin Details, username: tanzu_platform_admin
#Tanzu Platform Admin Password, A Random password will be generated if an empty value is provided
#Note that this password cannot be changed later, it is one one-time set ( both system-generated and user-provided one)
password: “”

Step 6 – Specify Org Name for the Platform Installation (Optional)

organization: <Tanzu Platform for K8s Org>

Verify Environment

Export Variables


Execute Verify

./cli_bundle/linux/amd64/tanzu-sm-installer verify -f config.yaml \
-r ${HARBOR_REGISTRY}/hub-self-managed/${VERSION}/repo \
–install-version ${VERSION} \
–kubeconfig ${KUBECONFIG}

If you see a warning of missing tools you can ignore that as the installer will take care of installing the required tools

Deploy TPK8 SM

Please ensure the following pre-reqs are validated

  • All required variables are exported
  • Path to config.yaml as updated in the previous section
  • Able to access the K8s cluster where TPK8 SM is going to be installed

Installer will push images to the private container registry (harbor). After the images are pushed successfully, it should take approximately 30 minutes to install.

./cli_bundle/linux/amd64/tanzu-sm-installer install -f config.yaml \
-r ${HARBOR_REGISTRY}/hub-self-managed/${VERSION}/repo \
–install-version ${VERSION} \
–kubeconfig ${KUBECONFIG}


Post Deploy Config

Step 1 – Push TMC Extensions required for Attaching K8s Clusters


./cli_bundle/linux/amd64/tanzu-sm-installer push tmc-extensions \
-r ${HARBOR_REGISTRY}/hub-self-managed/${VERSION}/repo \
-f agent-images.tar \
–kubeconfig ${KUBECONFIG}

Step 2 – Push tanzu cli plugins

./cli_bundle/linux/amd64/tanzu-sm-installer push tanzu-plugins \
-r ${HARBOR_REGISTRY}/hub-self-managed/${VERSION}/repo \
-i tanzu-bundle/tpsm-plugin-bundle.tar.gz

Access the UI

Open the Web browser and navigate to https://<ingres_fqdn_specified_in_yaml>









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