vCenter Orchestrator Configuration

VMware vCenter 5.X
VMware SSO
Active Directory Group for VCO Admins
Configure SSO Permissions for VCO
Login to WebClient Browse to Administration / Access / SSO Users and Groups
If required you can create Group called VCO Admin and Add the users you want. For demonstration purpose I have used default administrators Group
VCO Configuration
Deploy VCO Appliance. If you have DHCP enabled it will automatically (As it in my case), however if required you can set static IP
Access the VCO Page by browsing with IP or DNS (If you have configured )
Click on the \”Orchestrator Configuration\” link.
Authenticate with vmware / vmware
Once you click on Login you will have to enter & verify a new password.
 Click \”Apply changes\”
You have to restart the service for the new password to kick in
Following Configuration needs to be done
Configure Network
Configure SSL Trust Manager
You need to import SSL Certificates. There are 2 options. Either you export the certificate from vCenter and then Import it from file or directly point to vCenter as I did
URL should be
Authentication :- Register Orchestrator to vCenter
SSO Configuration
This is where you select the VCO Admins group if you have created. Else similar to my case I have selected the Default Administrators
Plugin Installation and Configuration
Here you need to specify the user account which is part of the VCO Admins Group. In my case I have provided administrator account
Ensure following Plugins are selected
Under Plugins Add the vCenter Host
I feel for Best Practices restart the VCO Appliance and ensure everthing is green
On the Getting Started with vCenter Orchestrator. Click on “Start Orchestrator Client”
You will get following screen and you should be able to login using Domain Credentials. Please ensure Java is installed from where you are trying to access

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