I have manage to put together VDI – Calculator. It is targeted for VMware View designs running on top of vSphere infrastructure.
Please feel free to suggest if anything missed or needs to be updated.
How to Use
• This   calculator is targeted for VMware View designs running on top of vSphere   infrastructure
• All the inputs are Mandatory
• All the calculations are done assuming VMware Composer along   with Linked Clones is being used.
• Hybrid Architecture is N/A
• It assumes the processor speed as 2.5Ghz
• All the calculations have been done for RAID5
• Overheads are considered
1. 5% for CPU
2. 5% for Memory
3. 10% for Storage
• IOPS calculated at 10 IOPS per VDI with 80% Read IOPS &   20% Write IOPS
• This calculations doesn\’t count the Boot storm IOPS
• Three Types of Users are considered
1. Task Workers
2. Knowledge Workers
3. Power Users

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