Tag: VMware View


Horizon View Audting

I had written script last year about to capture to capture the Remote Session details for that particular point in time using Power CLI In Version 2 I configured Email Alerting and Scheduling using Windows Task scheduler http://vcommunique.blogspot.com/2014/04/vmware-horizon-view-remote-session.html Recently I observed VMware launched a fling named View Auditing and one…Continue readingHorizon View Audting


Horizon View PowerShell Not Working

Last Year I wrote Power CLI Script for VMware View 5.1 to capture the Remote Session details for that particular point in time http://vcommunique.blogspot.com/2014/04/vmware-horizon-view-remote-session.html https://communities.vmware.com/docs/DOC-26512?&src=vmw_so_vex_mmakh_407 We had team upgrading that to Horizon View 6.0 and suddenly we noticed that it was not working as expected. It was generating the empty…Continue readingHorizon View PowerShell Not Working


Latest fling from VMware Labs – VMware ThinApp Factory

VMware Labs presents its latest fling ThinApp Factory . The ThinApp Factory is a virtual appliance that brings centralized administration and automation to the process of creating virtualized Windows applications with VMware ThinApp technology. ThinApp Factory utilizes vSphere API\’s to spawn workloads which automatically convert fileshares of application installers into…Continue readingLatest fling from VMware Labs – VMware ThinApp Factory


Demystifying VMware View Large Scale Designs

The first of a series of posts enabling large scale VMware View designs and deployments by John Dodge (Technical Marketing – VMware) In VMware View 5.1, we have made several enhancements to help further scale large View deployments, including: ·         1. Increased scale in NFS attached clusters now you can…Continue readingDemystifying VMware View Large Scale Designs